So far, we've decided to become our own guru, BE a leader, and make decisions based on fact-not old conditioning. If you're wondering why I capitalized the word "BE," it's because it is the first of three magic words that John discusses in his book: BE, DO, HAVE.
What makes these three little words so powerful, is the order. Most people think they have to HAVE, DO, BE...meaning they must have the perfect circumstances before they can take action and then become the person they want to be.
Beingness is so critical to getting the results you want, that two people taking the same actions may have different levels of success depending on the state of being they are in. You must take action from a state of being that is congruent with your goal. If your goal is to own a sailboat and sail around the world, but you're walking around angry with life because you haven't gotten there yet, you probably will not achieve your goal. The being sets the stage for the correct action. How do you get in the right state of being? By choosing your thoughts carefully. Thoughts are energy and by focusing on productive thoughts, you are literally attracting what you want into your life.
Once you are being the person who has already gotten everything that they want, you will now be compelled to take action. But, it won't be the action of your former self. It will be the action of your new self, the one who is being a leader and confident in their success. You want to totally embrace this new self and all the details. John writes, "How do you shake someone's hand? How do you look in the mirror? How do you sound on the phone when you're talking to a prospective client? What decisions does this person make when it comes to capitalizing their business, prioritizing their time, or going to events that could further them in their business or career?" When making decisions, you can channel someone who has the success you're looking for, whether it's Donald Trump or Oprah. You will DO the things necessary to remain in integrity with the person you are being and the goals that you have set.
And now, the payoff. Believe it or not, all the work was in the BEING. The HAVING comes easily. Changing your mindset and choosing your thoughts takes focus and determination, but it is essential to success. Without the being, you cannot take the right action to receive what you want. The having follows, and it takes no work at all. "The work is in the being. The receiving is in the doing. The having is not your department. The having is not your area of concern. The universe provides all, handles all the details perfectly, always to deliver unto you exactly what your innermost expectations are." summary, YOU should read this book. John gets into a lot more detail about his personal story and action you can take to get results in your life today. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking to make a change in their lives.